In the Crossover of the Century, Destiny 2 Is Getting Fortnite Skins

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It seems that deadpool has indeed brought some company with him to fortnite, as the previously hinted. Here’s a look at the fortnite cable skin: Cable is included with the following bundles.

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  • get2sammyb
  • by Sammy Barker

Live service meets live service, with Bungie seemingly poised to announce Fortnite crossover skins for Destiny 2. There was chatter of some kind of collaboration within the community earlier in the week, but well-regarded Destiny dataminer Ginsor appears to have unearthed official images of the mash-up. The freshly minted Sony studio is set to host a livestream on Tuesday, revealing the future of its first-person shooter.

To be fair, it’s not like you’re suddenly going to find Jonesy in Destiny 2 – this collaboration appears to be a little more subtle than that. For example, the Titan looks to be kitted out in the Black Knight’s garb, which first appeared during Fortnite’s second season. Then you’ve got the Warlock sporting Drift’s mask and the Hunter kitted out like Omega Knight. We actually think the skins look pretty good.

Fascinatingly, there are rumours that Fortnite will get its own set of Destiny 2 skins, completing the crossover between the two games. As alluded to above, we expect all to be revealed during Bungie’s anticipated Lightfall livestream on 23rd August, 2022 at 9PM PT. In the meantime, we’re curious which other games you’d like to see collaborate? Answers on a postcard in the comments section below, please.
