Fortnite X Dragon Ball Z crossover on August 16


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Press j to jump to the feed. Made myself :) show more. It was released on january 26th, 2020 and was last available 132 days ago.

After a recent tweet from the official Twitter page of Fortnite, it has been confirmed that they will be collaborating with Dragon Ball Z as part of Fortnite’s new promotion on August 16. In the tweet, you can see the golden silhouette of Shenron with the caption “Speak. Name your wish…8.16.2022”.

Epic Games has not officially revealed what will be released during the Dragon Ball Z collaboration, but we can expect skins, new equipment, and more events relating to the well-loved anime series. This could mean we can finally see Goku hold a machinegun and smoke Vegeta with it.

The collaboration can also be associated with the upcoming US release of Dragon Ball: Super Hero. This is the newest movie from the franchise and is set to open in North America on Aug. 19 in more than 2,300 theaters, including in select Imax cinemas. The movie centers on how Piccolo becomes the best surrogate dad for Gohan as the ultimate Android. Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 from the then defunct Red Ribbon Army avenge their groups’ demise.

Credits: Fortnite

Another coincidence is the recent announcement during the EVO 2022, where Arc System Works confirmed that Dragon Ball FighterZ will be getting upgraded for PS5 and Xbox Series X.

Meanwhile, recent events from Fortnite include the addition of the famous WWE Superstar, John Cena. They still have the August Crew Pack that brought a new Wolverine skin, weapon, and other X-Men-related events. Players joining the GeForce NOW event should have just received their Dish-stroyer Pickaxe, thanks to NVIDIA.


Other notable collaborations of Fortnite include Nathan Drake from the game and then movie Uncharted, Marvel’s Moon Knight, and Naruto and a band of his friends.