Fortnite Rocket League map wants you to race on the walls

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This Fortnite Rocket League map is a great way to make the most of the battle royale game adding in the Octane from Epic’s car football game, and it’s a blast to play around in. There will no doubt be plenty of these kinds of maps as people get more use from the new creative item, but this one shows off just how fun it can be.

Fortnite chapter 3 season 4 is replete with excellent things, including the likes of the Fortnite Whiplash, but that’s not the kind of car that can drive up walls now, is it? The only car capable of doing silly Rocket League things is, in fact, the Rocket League Octane, and its gravity-defying nature of it allows players to drive themselves up the walls when building a racetrack.

This particular track is thanks to Oan_SMM on Reddit, who asks a simple question, “What would a Fortnite x Mario Kart x Rocket League crossover looks like?” It turns out that the answer to this is something they’re providing with the code 6553-3104-5998, and it makes for a very entertaining time, especially if you can fill the lobby with friends.

What would a Fortnite x Mariokart x Rocket League crossover looks like? Here is ROCKET KART: SHROOM RIDGE! 🏎️ Code: 6553-3104-5998 from FortniteCreative

There is a lot of potential having the Octane in Fortnite, and while this is the most obvious kind of map to create, there will definitely be driving gauntlets, weird parkour maps, and probably battle maps as well. It’s just getting started, and we’re still hopeful that this could mean a new Rocket League game could be coming sooner than later too.

In the meantime, have a good hard look at yourself in the mirror, reflect on your own beauty, then read our Fortnite tips and tricks to make sure your skills match that stunning visage.